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Preventing knee injury and knee pain - Pulseroll
Category_Tips & Tricks

Preventing knee injury and knee pain

When working out and exercising, our knees are often put under a lot of strain. Having knee pain/injury can be very aggravating at the very least and debilitating at worst! There are steps that you...

benefits of massageAre vibrating massagers good for muscles? - Pulseroll

Are vibrating massagers good for muscles?

Vibration technology has been proven to have many benefits for muscular health. This technique is becoming more popular with rehabilitation professionals and pro athletes during muscle recovery. ...

Category_Tips & TricksStay in shape while travelling - Pulseroll

Stay in shape while travelling

Travelling and exercise don’t generally go together. Many of us class a holiday as a time to treat yourself and over-indulge, so although it is easily done, don’t let your exercise routine slack wh...

Category_Tips & TricksTop tips to avoid running injuries - Pulseroll

Top tips to avoid running injuries

Nothing gets in the way of exercise and running than pain. If you’re repetitively putting strain & stress on a muscle or bone, it’s likely to result in an injury. Common running injuries incl...

Category_Tips & TricksWhat are Massage Guns and How to use Them - Pulseroll

What are Massage Guns and How to use Them

Long gym sessions lifting heavy weights can really take its toll on your body, but don’t let DOMs slow down your progress! Recovery tools can help ease muscle soreness and help you recover faster s...

benefits of foam rollingHow Vibration Training Can Provide Benefits for Everyone - Pulseroll

How Vibration Training Can Provide Benefits for Everyone

Although the concept of vibration training has been around for a long time, it is quickly becoming a fitness trend is that shaking up (quite literally) the training world for fitness fanatics and t...