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best chest exercises for mass bodybuilding forum

Vibrating Foam Roller Exercises for the Chest

When foam rolling to reduce muscle tightness and improve performance, many focus on the lower body, neglecting muscle groups in their top half. One of the most commonly forgotten areas is the chest...

ballet exercises to strengthen feet and anklesFoam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise - Pulseroll

Foam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise

Suffering from sore feet? We use our feet every day from walking and exercising to standing up, so as one of the most weight-bearing parts of the body, it can often leave the soles of feet feeling ...

Foam Roller for Feet – Laying Down Exercise

Training and workouts can have an impact on our bodies, but aching feet is something many can relate to even if not a gym-lover. One of the most effective ways to combat the aches and pains we expe...

best chest workout at home for beginnersFoam Roller Exercises for Stretching the Chest Muscles - Women - Pulseroll

Foam Roller Exercises for Stretching the Chest Muscles - Women

Stretching the chest muscles can be more of a challenge for women, but it’s important you don’t ignore this often-neglected area. Giving the chest some attention not only reduces tightness is the m...

Category_Tips & TricksVibrating Foam Roller for Adductor Muscles - Pulseroll

Vibrating Foam Roller for Adductor Muscles

Adductors are the three muscles attached along the femur (thighbone), and their primary function is to squeeze the thighs while aiding flexion and rotation. If adductor muscles get too tight, it pu...

best exercise for calves and anklesFoam Roller Exercises for Calves - Pulseroll

Foam Roller Exercises for Calves

Experiencing tight calves after physical exercise or training is a common issue. That said, is there something you can do about it rather than accepting it as the norm? The answer is a giant ‘yes...