ballet exercises to strengthen feet and ankles

Foam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise

Foam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise - Pulseroll

Suffering from sore feet? We use our feet every day from walking and exercising to standing up, so as one of the most weight-bearing parts of the body, it can often leave the soles of feet feeling aching and painful.

In fact, the feet can be susceptible to a common overuse injury – Plantar Fasciitis – which results from the tissues in the feet becoming inflamed.

Luckily, using a foam roller can help to soften the connective tissue around the muscles while enhancing blood flow to the feet. Exercises can be used before and after physical activity, reducing tightness and speeding up recovery.

With rollers being light and portable, it’s easy to perform foam rolling exercises in any location. You can use a vibrating foam roller on your feet in a variety of positions including laying down and standing.

One of the easiest feet exercises to undertake is while sitting in a chair and is often used when foam rolling in the home. Our video guide will show you what you need to do.

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