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Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise - Pulseroll
ballet exercises to strengthen feet and ankles

Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise

When you spend so much time on your feet during the day, it’s not unusual to suffer general aches and pains in this area. However, the tissues around muscles in the feet can become inflamed when ov...

Vibrating Foam Roller – Choose Next Generation Products

The popularity of foam rollers is evident whether you’re a gym enthusiast, yoga lover, athlete, gymnast, physio or even just someone who takes an interest in how to improve their general health and...

ballet exercises to strengthen feet and anklesVibrating Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise with the Pulseball - Pulseroll

Vibrating Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise with the Pulseball

With the muscles and tissues in the soles of our feet taking much strain and weight-bearing during the day, it’s no wonder they often feel sore. However, when the muscles become overstretched, it c...

ballet exercises to strengthen feet and anklesFoam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise - Pulseroll

Foam Roller for Feet – Sitting Exercise

Suffering from sore feet? We use our feet every day from walking and exercising to standing up, so as one of the most weight-bearing parts of the body, it can often leave the soles of feet feeling ...

Foam Roller for Feet – Laying Down Exercise

Training and workouts can have an impact on our bodies, but aching feet is something many can relate to even if not a gym-lover. One of the most effective ways to combat the aches and pains we expe...