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Can massage guns break up scar tissue? - Pulseroll
Category_Tips & Tricks

Can massage guns break up scar tissue?

Scars are, as we all know, a part of life. Much the same as we should take care of our injuries, so we should also take care of our scars. The most common way to do this is by massaging the affecte...

Category_Tips & TricksWhat is a foam roller used for and why should you use it? - Pulseroll

What is a foam roller used for and why should you use it?

Stretching has long since been an integral part of pre- and post-workout routines, whether this be to strengthen the muscles, loosen them, or increase range of motion. Stretching alone, however, is...

Category_Tips & TricksCellulite - Pulseroll


What is cellulite? Cellulite is a condition of the skin that is most commonly seen on the thighs, buttocks, and the hips. It appears as a section of lumpy skin that is often described as resembling...

Category_Tips & TricksArthritis - Pulseroll


What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common is osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative co...

Category_Tips & TricksWhat is arthritis and how can we help? - Pulseroll

What is arthritis and how can we help?

If you’re wondering what arthritis is, what the symptoms are and how the Pulseroll products can help, continue reading! What is arthritis? Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and infl...

Category_Tips & TricksTop tips for getting back into the gym - Pulseroll

Top tips for getting back into the gym

Getting back into the gym will be much harder for some people since lockdown as most of us have been gym-less for months now. With motivation being quite low for some of us, but with lockdown easin...