Nutrition and wellness during unprecedented times

Nutrition and wellness during unprecedented times - Pulseroll

It’s easy to let your nutrition and wellness slip, nevermind during unprecedented times like a pandemic! Whether you’re working from home, have been furloughed, or have been going into work every day throughout, your routine may have changed. Whatever your situation, your health and wellbeing should still be a top priority. After all, good nutrition and wellness makes for a healthy body.

Check out our tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst adapting to a new world.

Stay active

Whether you’re ready to brave the gym again or you prefer to exercise at home, staying active should be part of your everyday routine. This could be a great time to try something new!

There are some great online classes and workout routines you could follow. You could go for a brisk walk or run or even try yoga in your garden. Exercise helps to improve your overall mental and physical health which can be really helpful during uncertain and unprecedented times.

home workout

Get more sleep

You should aim for about 7 - 9 hours sleep per night. This can help to improve stress levels and keep your immune system strong. Adequate sleep is essential for your overall health. Even though you might find yourself with more freetime due to the pandemic, this doesn’t mean you should spend this extra time staying up all night!

Additionally, don’t be tempted to over-sleep as this could lead to feeling groggy. You want to ensure that you are getting enough sleep so your body feels nicely rested the next morning.

Meal plan

Meal planning is a great way to keep track of what you’re eating. Try not to slip into the habit of eating when you are feeling down or snacking because you’re bored. Plan your meals at the start of every week and buy ingredients for these planned out meals. It’s all about self-discipline!

You could also try ordering your shopping online if you don't feel comfortable going out for it… but you should try to resist the urge to order takeaways and fast food on a regular basis. Try to make these kinds of foods a treat!

good nutrition

Stay connected

With the world at the tip of your fingers, staying in contact with friends and family via social media, phone calls, or video chats should be a breeze. Talking to loved ones can reduce anxiety and improve your overall mood.

Schedule in regular calls and don’t forget older relatives who may not have adapted to the digital world.

Muscle recovery equipment

muscle recovery tools

A great way to keep on top of your physical wellness is to invest in muscle recovery equipment. You should try to incorporate muscle recovery into your daily routine.

Muscle recovery can include stretching regularly or using recovery tools such as foam rollers. This improves circulation and helps to keep the muscles in their best working order. This can also help you to relax and get a better night's sleep, as well as easing soreness after exercise.

During unprecedented times, it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally and by investing in the routines/practices that we have stated above, you should feel the benefits in your mind and body.

Here are more tips for working from home.