The ultimate beginners guide to starting a workout routine

The ultimate beginners guide to starting a workout routine - Pulseroll

Starting a workout routine as a complete beginner can seem extremely daunting! Trying to fit it around a busy lifestyle and actually stick to your routine sometimes seems impossible.

Follow our ultimate guide to starting a workout routine for the best tips on how to build a routine and stay motivated.

working out for beginners

How should a beginner start working out?

The first point is deciding what it is you actually want to achieve. Do you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your endurance? Once you have a goal in mind you can tailor your workout routine to achieve the desired result.

Next, you need to find exercises that will help you reach your goal. Take into consideration strength training and cardio. How much you do of each is entirely up to you. There are some great plans and routines online to follow which you can adjust depending on what you do or don’t like.

Be sure to utilise the resources available to you on the internet as these can be really useful when starting a workout routine. Take into consideration your personal fitness level so you’re not pushing yourself too hard too fast. Always start with light weights for strength training and short distances for cardio, then build it up as time goes on. It’s important not to overdo it and result in an injury! Getting the right nutrition will also boost the beginner gains. Do some research on what to eat before working out and after working out.

How long should you work out if you're a beginner?

Spending 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week, exercising is enough for any beginner. This is enough to start seeing results, but you should always aim to build this up with time. You won’t see any physical changes if you’re not consistently making changes to your routine (this post has information on how build and establish an effective workout routine).

It isn’t bad to work out every day, but having rest days are beneficial to let your muscles rebuild and adapt to the stress they get put under whilst exercising. If you want to see results, the recovery period is equally as important!

You can try using recovery tools to help speed up the process such as a foam muscle roller or massage gun. These work by stimulating the blood flow in the muscles to repair damaged tissue and ease any soreness.

beginner's workout

How to stay motivated to workout

The best thing you can do to stay motivated to exercise is to make it something you enjoy! Realistically, we’re not always motivated to exercise but if you choose exercises that you enjoy, it’ll seem less of a chore and something that is much more enjoyable.

You can also reward yourself after a workout. Unfortunately no, we don’t mean treat yourself with a bar of chocolate but you could keep a progress chart and when you hit a small goal, treat yourself to something you like, this doesn’t have to be food! This could be as simple as a little gift for yourself or a chill night at home with a film!

Staying on track is much easier when you have someone else keeping you accountable. Train with a friend or join a group and help each other to reach your goals.

Here is a round-up of some self-motivating tips for working out.

Starting a workout routine with Pulseroll

Here at Pulseroll, we are big advocators for working out and keeping yourself fit.

Be sure to do thorough research when looking to start a workout routine. You want to establish a routine that works for you and your body.

We have lots of helpful guides and articles on working out and keeping yourself healthy so head over to our blog for more informative guides (we have an excellent beginners guide to vibration training and muscle recovery).