Category_Tips & Tricks

Does foam rolling help with plantar fasciitis?

Does foam rolling help with plantar fasciitis? - Pulseroll

Foam rolling has many benefits but, if you’re a runner and often experience plantar fasciitis, you might be wondering whether using a foam roller, particularly a foam roller on your feet, can help with plantar fasciitis? Well, that’s exactly what we are here for.

If you’re interested in knowing more about plantar fasciitis and whether using a foam roller can help with this condition, keep reading our latest blog.

foam rolling feet

What is plantar fasciitis?

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, plantar fasciitis is when you have pain on the bottom of your foot, particularly around your heel and the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes, and this particular condition is most commonly caused by repetitive strain injury to the ligament of the sole of the foot.

Such strain injuries can result from excessive running or walking, meaning that those who prefer to go running instead of heading to the gym are more frequently affected.

Can foam rolling help your feet?

There are many benefits to foam rolling; foam rolling reduces muscle pain and has been proved to be effective at easing the pain caused by a range of conditions and illnesses. Additionally, foam rolling can also help with plantar fasciitis when the foam roller is used under the feet.

Much like you’d use a foam roller on your back or calves if they were sore, you can use a foam roller for feet. Be sure to target the specific sore area and really get the foam roller to work its magic.

You can follow the below instructions for the best way to use a foam roller on your feet:

  1. Shift your body weight onto the foot in question to apply pressure onto the roller and roll with constant pressure
  2. Remain on hotspots for about 10 seconds and intensify the pressure on the roller
  3. Release the pressure and move along the sole, from the roller to the heel area of the foot and treat all hotspots in this manner
  4. Repeat with your other foot.

Pulseroll’s muscle recovery equipment

We know how much pain plantar fasciitis can cause, and it's important to know how much more effective a vibrating foam roller can be in comparison with a regular foam roller. We have a range of vibrating muscle recovery products, including our vibrating massage ball which can soothe plantar fasciitis pain.

A vibrating foam roller can reduce next day soreness and muscle pain, as the combination of pressure and vibration helps to reduce muscle tightness and increase flexibility. Through continued use, the vibration technology will help to flush away lactic acid and increase circulation, which is very beneficial when looking for relief from the pain that accompanies plantar fasciitis.

Our vibrating peanut roller

vibrating peanut roller for feet

A bonus from our range of muscle recovery equipment would be our vibrating peanut roller, that fits perfectly under the bottom of your foot. This peanut roller is the perfect fit for your heel, as it has been specifically designed with the purpose in mind to really target the painful areas.

The vibrating peanut roller uses vibration technology which can reduce next day soreness (DOMS) and increase circulation and flow of blood to the muscles.

Using the peanut roller before sessions can enhance performance, and used after training it can improve recovery and long term health, while also acting as a near instant pain reliever from plantar fasciitis.

To find out more about our unique range of muscle recovery equipment, visit our shopping hub and see if you can find the new best friend for your muscles.

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