If you suffer from sore muscles after a tough upper body workout, follow this quick and easy guide for the best bicep foam roller exercises to ease sore muscles and aid recovery and learn how to foam roll biceps correctly with Pulseroll.
The bicep is made up of two main muscles, biceps brachii and the brachialis. The biceps brachii are the muscles which made up that bulge in the middle of the bicep, while the brachialis is a much deeper bicep muscle located in the middle outside of the upper arm. I won’t bore you with too much of the science side of things, but it’s useful to know before you foam roll biceps which muscles you are actually targeting.
Biceps foam roller exercises
Foam rolling biceps after training will help flush away lactic acid, provide faster recovery from injury and reduce next day soreness. So make sure this is a key step in your workout routine!
Using a Pulseroll vibrating foam roller on the biceps brachii will enhance throwing and pulling movements. To use a foam roller on the bicep brachii:
- Begin by lying on your stomach with the foam roller on the ground parallel to the body.
- Extend your arm to the side, place on top of the foam roller and apply pressure down, making sure you’re focussing on the top part of the upper arm.
- Gently roll back and forth, but the vibrations will do most of the work so not much rolling is actually needed in comparison to normal foam rollers.
- Lay the top part of your shoulders onto the vibrating foam roller.
- You should gently roll the shoulder before going past the insertion point (the point where the bicep and shoulder separate) and then just hold the vibrating foam roller in place in the middle outside part of the arm.
- No rolling needs to be taken place here but you can tilt your body slightly back and forth to ensure the entire bicep muscle is stretched.

You should also make sure you are performing static stretches after using the foam roller. Try standing with both arms stretched out, open the palms and point the fingers down, pressing the back of the hands against a wall. You can also do this with the fingers pointing up, although this stretch also targets the forearm.
Don’t forget to grab your Pulseroll vibrating foam roller to perform these bicep foam roller exercises to aid your recovery!